Be the face of beauty and wellness
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Locate Your Look was founded by a salon professional and owner specifically for others in the industry. Kerrie understands the challenges of running a successful salon business firsthand. In the competitive world of beauty and wellness, it’s crucial to stand out and maintain a strong online presence to attract customers. With a large number of people searching for services online each month, reaching potential clients through social media and industry-specific directories is essential. We are dedicated to supporting our members in every aspect of their business, from staff management to marketing strategies. Our goal is to showcase the unique offerings of each business and connect them with customers who appreciate their specialties.
If you’re in the hair, beauty, or wellness industry, Locate Your Look is the perfect platform to grow and thrive.
Get started for free—no credit card or commitment required! Pick your plan below and complete form. You’ll check form and it will be live in 24 hours.
Share your Locate Your Look profile link with your customers. Obtain your personalised QR code and enjoy your start up pack.
Your customers can now start booking, adding their own images and purchase from your store. Don’t forget we are here for you every step of the way.
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